Karel van Delft during lecture chess psychology in camping La Rochade in France.
Compact online training chess psychology
Karel van Delft offers a compact online training about chess psychology and mental training.
The training is individual and meant for players, trainers, coaches, parents and organisers.
It is individually tailored. Themes to discuss are based on personal questions of the participants.
Themes are for example training, learning, self-management, creativity, talent development, communication, perception, fysical aspects, didactics and creating a stimulating chess culture.
The training consists of two hours Zoom contact and/or e-mail about chess psychological questions (based on personal experiences and/or documentation).
Participants get documentation:
- Ebook ‘Developing Chess Talent’
- Power Point Lecture ‘Chess Talent’ (565 sheets)
- Analysis questionnaire
- Article ‘The seventeenth chess piece’
- Coaching video list
The training is possible in English and Dutch.
The training costs 125 euro (payment via PayPal or bank account).
Training and lectures for groups via Zoom are possible too.
Contact Karel van Delft for more information and conditions.
Karel van Delft is psychologist and certified chess trainer by Dutch chess federation KNSB.
He wrote several books in Dutch about chess psychology and training.
His book ‘Schaaktalent ontwikkelen’ is translated into English (‘Developing Chess Talent’), see www.chesstalent.com.
New In Chess published in English his book 'Chess For Educators'.
You may contact Karel van Delft via Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. .